
cs barbie

Sporting a bin'ry
Shirt, cool shoes, Barbie again
Will take it by FORCE.

You might have heard, but Barbie's new career is to be a computer engineer. This was decided via online poll (which sort of skews it automatically towards CS, don't you think?) around a month ago. We just had an amusing chat about it today, though, which I wanted to share part of. :)

From Mashable (via MAKE magazine):

While some have embraced Coder Barbie, others have attacked the concept, saying that her pink laptop, sparkly leggings, and trendy glasses are "too feminine" to be realistic.

The critics imply that real coders aren't feminine, and feminine coders aren't real. But women shouldn't feel like they have to stop being feminine to work in technology.

Joe, in response, comments that he has been wondering for years how Barbie could afford the cars and the Barbie Dream Home and the trophy boyfriend...

Well now it's obvious. She needs a job where she has lots of free time, makes shitloads of money, and cares so little for the opinions of her friends and neighbours that she can make everything pink. She's either in computer engineering or porn. Or both.

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