
hourly comic day

For those of you who might not know, Hourly Comic Day is 1 February.  Some people like to do this sort of thing.  I figured I'd try it this year.

In case they are impossible to read...
0,0: "Oh, shit.  It's hourly comic day." (me) and "Google Reader, HOURLY COMIC!" (screen)
0,1: "What the hell is that?" and "What if it takes 2 hours to draw?" and "Not many people seem to do this." and "Coffee?" and "Okay."
1,0: "I pledge allegiance to the flag..." (me) and "You really have to say that every day?" (Henning) and "American coffee + culture lesson" (bottom)
1,1: "Your passport is like a picture book!" and "Oooh!  Is that a story on top?" and "Why's there RFID in that?"
2,0: "Don't forget to bring your comic to lunch." (Piotr) and "I will just do with when I get back." (me) and "That's not very hourly." (Piotr)
2,1: "I just spent $16 on this salad and sandwich." (me) and "Welcome to Switzerland." and "Coffee?" and "We code like girls and are proud of it!" (my shirt)

Again, in case...
0,0: valkyrie@asgard:~src/cds-invenio/modules$ git commit -a -m 'tarball harvester works and the extract plots thing has been modified to be more robust in the case of friggin pathological brace placement'
0,1: "Yup that is actually all I did" (me)
1,0: "Rock Musik - Victor", "Rock Musik - Henning", "Rock Musik - Piotr", "Classical - Roman"
1,1: "earbud cord" (with arrow) and "It is okay, Travis plant.  I do not have headphones, either." (me)
2,0: "My life is boring.  I have done nothing to write about this hour." (me)
2,1: "DARTS" and "I am bad" (pointing at the scattered darts) and "We have one in our office" (pointing at the dart board wall)

1 talk-backs:

Joe Blaylock said...

Whoops. Somehow I missed that that was today.

Nice work so far though.

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